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AMOS Source Code | 1992-03-07 | 6.4 KB | 400 lines |
- '=============================================
- '
- 'BELL V1.x Started 27th June 1995 Midnight
- '
- 'Beginners Easy Learning Language.
- '
- '=============================================
- Screen Open 0,640,250,8,Hires
- '-----------------------------------------------
- 'how many bell instructions currently supported
- '-----------------------------------------------
- Dim LISTING$(100) : Rem allowable lines of code in ascii script
- RR:
- REP=0
- '------------------------------------------
- 'read in script, program.bell, into script$
- '------------------------------------------
- Open In 1,"DF0:program.bell"
- L=Lof(1)
- Close 1
- Reserve As Data 6,L
- Bload "DF0:program.Bell",6
- ST6=Start(6) : E6=ST6+Length(6)
- SCRIPT$=Peek$(ST6,L)
- '------------------------------------------
- 'put the script instructions in Listing$()
- '------------------------------------------
- LAST10=0 : COUNT=1
- For A=1 To L
- G$=Mid$(SCRIPT$,A,1)
- If G$=Chr$(10)
- LAST10=A
- End If
- Next A
- '------------------
- 'execute the script
- '------------------
- For AA=1 To COUNT-1
- Next AA
- If REP=1 Then Goto RR
- '------------------------------------
- 'this calls the instructions according to
- 'commands passed to it in gc$
- '------------------------------------
- Procedure _SETUP
- 'Home : Print GC$
- GC$=Upper$(GC$)
- If Left$(GC$,9)="SHOW ANIM"
- L=Len(GC$)
- TIMES$=Right$(GC$,2)-" "
- SPV$=Mid$(GC$,11,L)
- S$=Right$(SPV$,2)
- SPV$=SPV$-S$
- SPV$=SPV$-" "
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,7)="MESSAGE"
- Inc AA
- SPV$=GC$
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,8)="SHOW DOC"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,2)="VT"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- _VT
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,14)="NO DRIVE CLICK"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,8)="SHOW PIC"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,12)="CLEAR SCREEN"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,10)="WAIT MOUSE"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,8)="WAIT KEY"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,5)="PAUSE"
- L=Len(GC$)
- SPV$=Mid$(GC$,6,L)
- SPV$=SPV$-" "
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,11)="PLAY SAMPLE"
- L=Len(GC$)
- SPEED$=Right$(GC$,2)-" "
- SPV$=Mid$(GC$,13,L)
- S$=Right$(SPV$,2)
- SPV$=SPV$-S$
- SPV$=SPV$-" "
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,10)="PLAY MUSIC"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,10)="STOP MUSIC"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,11)="FADE SCREEN"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,10)="APPEAR PIC"
- SPV$=Right$(GC$,1)
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,11)="SQUARE WIPE"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,11)="WAVE WIPE"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,9)="SCROLL DOWN"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,10)="WHITE WIPE"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,8)="MOUSE ON"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,9)="MOUSE OFF"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,9)="CROSSHAIR"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,9)="CLOCK"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,9)="POINTER"
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,6)="REPEAT"
- REP=1
- Pop Proc
- End If
- If Left$(GC$,3)="END"
- _END
- Pop Proc
- End If
- Print "Error 0: Syntax error in line";AA : Print GC$
- Clear Key : Wait Key
- End Proc
- '---------------------
- '---------------------
- Procedure _SHOWANIM
- LP$="df0:Anims/Anim"+SPV$
- S=Val(TIMES$)
- Iff Anim LP$ To 0,S
- End Proc
- Procedure _VT
- 'not working proply atmo
- If Exist("df0:u/VT")
- Amos To Back
- Exec "df0:U/VT df0:pictures/pic"+SPV$
- Amos To Front
- Wait 50
- End If
- End Proc
- Procedure _SHOWPIC
- LP$="df0:pictures/pic"+SPV$
- Trap Load Iff LP$,0
- If Errtrap
- 'its an error so must be abk pic
- Load LP$,10
- Unpack 10 To 0
- Erase 10
- End If
- End Proc
- Procedure _CLEARSCREEN
- CLR=Val(SPV$)
- Flash Off : Curs Off
- Paper CLR : Cls CLR
- End Proc
- Procedure _WAITMOUSE
- While Mouse Key=0 : Wend
- End Proc
- Procedure _WAITKEY
- 'Home : Paper 0 : Pen 1 : Print "Press any key.."
- K$="" : While K$="" : K$=Inkey$ : Wend
- End Proc
- Procedure _PAUSE
- Wait Val(SPV$)*50
- End Proc
- Procedure _PLAYSAM
- Erase 4
- LP$="df0:Samples/sam"+SPV$
- Open In 1,LP$
- Reserve As Work 4,Lof(1)
- Bload LP$,4
- S=Val(SPEED$)
- Sam Raw 15,Start(4),Length(4),S*1000
- Close 1
- End Proc
- Procedure _PLAYMUSIC
- LP$="df0:music/music"+SPV$
- Track Load LP$,3
- Track Play 3
- End Proc
- Procedure _STOPMUSIC
- Track Stop
- Erase 3
- End Proc
- Procedure _FADESCREEN
- F=Val(SPV$)
- If F<=0 Then F=1
- Fade F
- Wait F*7
- End Proc
- Procedure _APPEAR
- LP$="df0:pictures/pic"+SPV$
- Load Iff LP$,0
- 'fades in a picture, on current screen.
- Dim C(15)
- Screen Hide
- For N=0 To 15
- C(N)=Colour(N) : Colour N,0
- Next
- Screen Show : Wait Vbl
- Fade 1,C(0),C(1),C(2),C(3),C(4),C(5),C(6),C(7),C(8),C(9),C(10),C(11),C(12),C(13),C(14),C(15)
- Wait 15
- End Proc
- Procedure _SQUAREWIPE
- If Screen Width=640
- Cls 0 : Locate 0,22
- Print "ERROR 1: SQUARE WIPE ONLY WORKS FOR LOW RES PICS (320 WIDTH) Press a key" : Wait Key : Pop Proc
- End If
- X1=159 : Y1=127 : X2=160 : Y2=128
- Ink 0
- For A=1 To 160
- Bar X1,Y1 To X2,Y2
- Inc X2 : Inc Y2 : Dec X1 : Dec Y1
- Next A
- End Proc
- Procedure _WAVEWIPE
- If Screen Width=640
- Cls 0 : Locate 0,22
- Print "ERROR 2: WAVE WIPE ONLY WORKS FOR LOW RES PICS (320 WIDTH) Press a key" : Wait Key : Pop Proc
- End If
- Ink 0
- For X=0 To 319 : Draw 0,255 To X,0 : Next
- For Y=1 To 255 : Draw 0,255 To 319,Y : Next
- End Proc
- Procedure _SCROLLDOWN
- For Y=50 To 320
- Screen Display 0,128,Y,,
- Wait Vbl
- Next Y
- End Proc
- Procedure _WHITEWIPE
- For A=0 To 15
- Colour A,$FFF
- Wait Vbl
- Next A
- Wait Vbl
- Wait 2
- End Proc
- Procedure _MOUSEON
- Show On
- End Proc
- Procedure _MOUSEOFF
- Hide
- End Proc
- Procedure _SHOWDOC
- If Exist("df0:u/ppmore")
- Amos To Back
- Exec "df0:U/ppmore df0:docs/doc"+SPV$
- Amos To Front
- Wait 50
- End If
- End Proc
- Procedure _MESSAGE
- Paper 0
- Centre SPV$
- End Proc
- Procedure _CROSSHAIR
- Change Mouse 2
- End Proc
- Procedure _POINTER
- Change Mouse 1
- End Proc
- Procedure _CLOCK
- Change Mouse 3
- End Proc
- Procedure _CLICKNOT
- If Exist("df0:U/clicknot")
- Exec "df0:U/clicknot"
- End If
- End Proc
- Procedure _END
- Default
- Screen Open 0,640,256,8,Hires
- Flash Off : Curs Off : Cls 0
- Paper 0 : Pen 6
- Locate 0,22 : Print "End of Program: B.E.L.L V1.0 (C)95 Steve Bye"
- Wait 200
- Stop
- End Proc